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Please also read any relevant policies found under Key Info tab 

Leicestershire County Council Information for Parents


First Time Admissions

Everyone must apply for a school place, as there is no automatic entry for any school.

Before you apply for your child’s school place in the September before they are due to attend, please make sure the following applies to you:  

1. You live in Leicestershire.
2. Your child is the eligible age to start primary school.


To apply for a place please use the link below


In-Year Transfer

If you have recently moved into the area or already live locally and want your child to come to Sherrier then you will need to apply via the Leicestershire County Council website (link above). They manage our admissions and our waiting list and will be able to advise on current spaces. If you would like to arrange to visit the school then please contact us on 01455 552791.


Secondary Transfer 

If your child is due to transfer to secondary school, the closing date for applications is the October in Year 6.

All parents MUST apply for a school place. Places will not be offered without an application.



For more information, contact School Admissions on 0116 305 6684 or email:



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