Spirituality at Sherrier C of E Primary School means recognising a belief that there is something bigger than ourselves that cannot be held or touched. We believe that each of us has a soul that needs to be nurtured: it involves focusing on our thoughts, beliefs and values as individuals, as a school and within the wider community. This belief helps to guide us in our decision-making and instils respect for all other people and the world around us.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development is crucial for individual pupils and important for society as a whole. It is the heart of what education is all about – helping pupils grow and develop as people and effective participants in modern Britain- 'Teach children how to live and they will remember it all their lives'. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development is cross curricular and promotes the aims and principles of the policies for, Religious Education, Collective Worship, PSHE, Relationships and Sex Education, and Equal Opportunities.
These policies all underpin the Curriculum model, putting the child at the centre of all we do.
It is an expectation that all staff, in all subjects, can and should contribute to the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development of pupils through the curriculum and through the use of appropriate teaching and learning strategies e.g. discussion, reflection, pupil participation and also through their own conduct.
The importance of relationships between all school staff, parents and governors is vital.
Children have the opportunity to reflect spiritually each week (Ow, Wow and Now moments) and share this in our 'Spirituality Book'. Dedicating this time allows children to exist in the moment and really unpick their week and the moments that have stuck with them. They are able to have further reflection time if they choose to visit the ‘Reflection Section’ in school where there are simple tasks they can reflect upon. Adults can also include their own moments in the spirituality book or visit the Reflection Section. The upgraded staff room has created a calm place for all staff and this has enhanced our ‘Now’ moments, giving time to all staff to take a break for themselves during the school day.