Computers are everywhere!
No matter where we go, there is no escaping their reach. Children are growing up in a world where these devices are common in our everyday lives. In fact, they are becoming more and more common every day as new technologies and software becomes easily available. Unlike many adults, children are not fazed by computers and smart devices and accept them as part of their way of life.
We at Sherrier acknowledge that computers, devices and of course the internet are all amazing technologies both now and for the future. However, we are aware of the necessity to keep our children safe when using these technologies. We see the benefits that computing brings to the way of learning, the social interaction that it allows and the advances in learning that it offers across all aspects of education and life.
Throughout all years, children are introduced to the skills of computing, including how to use technologies, how to write new computer programs but importantly how to keep themselves safe. We are aware that children can not be kept in a perfectly safe computing bubble, recognising the need to allow them to engage with computing and computers but also providing them with the tools and the knowledge to become E-SAFE.
Keeping children safe when online
As a school within Embrace MAT we will be using the following policies to ensure children understand how to use
any IT equipment safely and respectfully

Firstly, we would like to make you aware of CEOP, which is the government's Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre. If you wish to report some inappropriate content or behaviour online then click on the button and follow the directions on their pages.

We would also like to introduce you to a new industry backed website called 'Internet Matters' for parents which aims to provide a good understanding of issues affecting children today.

Each year, countries around the world celebrate Safer Internet Day. This year's event takes place on Tuesday 5th February with the theme "Together for a better internet"
Useful Links
YOU can help your child - and yourself - become more E-SAFE by keeping up to date with technology and the issues surrounding them. Below are many websites that offer information - from a range of useful apps for tablet computers to fantastic information on how to keep E-SAFE online. These sites provide a wealth of information for you and are provided by industry experts:
Bullying UK: a website aimed at providing guidance and support in regards to bullying.
CBBC Stay Safe: a website full of games, videos and other interactive content from the BBC.
Childnet International: a non-profit organisation working with others to “help make the Internet a great and safe place for children”.
UK Safer Internet Centre: Here you can find out the latest advice on how to use the internet and new technologies safely and responsibly. Also find a range of practical resources, news and events focussing on the safe and responsible use of the internet and new technologies.
Know IT All for Parents: Childnet’s multi-award-winning suite of education resources designed to help educate parents about safe and positive use of the internet.
McAfee Family Safety Blog: Feeling overwhelmed by all the threats that could affect your family? Our bloggers provide you with the latest security tips and online trends to save you time, and keep your family safe.
Thinkuknow: The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre’s online safety site, where you will find advice and tips for children, adults and professionals of all ages.
Kidscape: a charity set up to deal specifically with bullying and child sexual abuse.
Vodafone Digital Parenting: Vodafone have got together with a range of industry experts to provide you with helpful information and guidance on a range of e-safety topics.
Vodafone Digital Parenting Magazines: These informative guides are published regularly and we have sent them out to parents when they become available to us. You can visit this link to view the latest edition and/or to request the latest copy be posted to you.
SIP Benchmark looks at the tools available for parents across Europe to assist them in the protection of children who are on-line. It looks at each tool (piece of software) and ranks it according to its functionality, effectiveness and usability.
Think U Know: Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.