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Learning to play a musical instrument can bring rewards that last a lifetime.  At Sherrier Primary School we are working on building up our peripatetic instrumental tuition.  Tuition is available, at an additional cost, through external teachers who visit the school. Currently we offer piano, guitar, singing and drums.


All lessons and contracts are organised with the visiting teacher and not through the school. Often instruments can be hired from the visiting organisations if required. The school is not responsible for any loss or damage to instruments in pupils’ care.  Instruments should not be left at school overnight. Children are not normally considered for instrumental tuition until they reach Year 2.


More information can be found at


If you are interested in instrumental music tuition for your child please contact



Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme (AIPS)

The government have a scheme which allows pupils meeting certain criteria to purchase musical instruments through the school net of VAT. This will save you 20% on the cost of purchasing a musical instrument (this can also include replacement parts). Please see the following link for more detail about the scheme:

The main points are below:

For the purposes of AIPS the following definitions apply:

“State education” includes the following:

  • Musical tuition at a local authority school;

  • Musical tuition at an academy;

  • Musical tuition in either a school orchestra or local authority orchestra; and

  • Musical tuition in a local music hub.

“Musical Instruments” includes replacement parts.

For the purchase to qualify for the AIPS, the following criteria must be met:

  • The instrument or item must be sold to the local authority or school and then supplied onto the pupil or their guardian;

  • The pupil must be receiving state education;

  • The instrument must be used as part of their musical tuition;

  • The instrument must be appropriate to the pupil’s needs; and

  • The price charged to the pupil for the purchase of the instrument must be at or below cost (please see VATGPB7815 for a definition).


If you meet the criteria above and would like to purchase a musical instrument through the school then please contact Mrs Lynda Coupland via email in the first instance.​​


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