Our SEND Co-ordinator is Mrs Nicky Ashby (n.ashby@sherrier.embracemat.org)
Special Educational Needs & Inclusion Statement
Sherrier Church of England Primary School is a Leicestershire County Council School and follows the local authority principles for inclusion. These principles are underpinned by a national framework of statutory laws and guidance, including the Disability Discrimination Act and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act.
“Inclusive educational communities are those which take account of the needs of individuals and where individuals are valued, feel secure and have a sense of belonging.”
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities must have their needs met in line with the SEN Code of Practice.
Sherrier seeks to enable more pupils who have special educational needs to be included successfully within mainstream education. If your child has special educational needs or a disability and you would like your child to attend Sherrier, please contact our SENDCo, Mrs N Ashby who can discuss admissions with you. This means that we have a clear responsibility to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities.
There are high expectations of all learners at Sherrier. For children with special educational needs and/or disabilities 'Quality First Teaching' is the first key priority in addressing those needs. Teachers plan learning opportunities that enable children to develop positive relationships and actively seek to remove barriers to learning and participation. If it is evident that further support is required this maybe through work within the classroom alongside a learning Support Assistant (LSA).
Please click here to view our accessibility plan.
The Stages of Provision
In September, 2014 a new SEND Code of Practice was introduced to support pupils with significant or complex Health and Learning needs. There are key changes in the new Code of Practice which will be used to inform SEND support provided in schools. Teachers remain responsible for the progress and development of the pupils in their class, additional support is based on the following ‘Stages of Provision.’
The first stage is the provision of high-quality teaching. SEND should not be regarded as sufficient explanation for low achievement. Where pupils continue to make inadequate progress despite high-quality teaching, the class teacher and SENCo should assess whether the child has a significant learning difficulty and needs SEND support, this maybe within the class or in small group work. Where a decision is made to provide SEND support, this is indicated on a provision map that details the interventions and support to be put into place. The class teacher will remain responsible for working with the child on a daily basis. There should be regular reviews to monitor the effectiveness of the support and the impact on the child’s progress and make decisions about whether any changes are needed.
If a child is making little or no progress the school should consider involving specialists including those from outside agencies. If progress continues to be insufficient a request can be made for an education, health and care needs assessment – the LA makes the decision to go ahead or not. The school will be expected to demonstrate evidence of action they have already taken.
SEND support
SEND support should take the form of a four-part cycle
Assess – a clear analysis of the pupil’s needs
Plan – an agreement reached on the adjustments, interventions and support as well as the impact on progress, outcomes sought and timescales
Do – the class teacher remains responsible for working with the child on a daily basis
Review - impact and quality of the support and intervention
The links below provides guidance on Leicestershire's Local Offer in accordance with the new SEN Code of Practice: