Mrs Hunter, Miss Gogerty, Miss Swift, Mrs Westley, Miss Collyer and Mrs Brown would like to welcome you to the Year 1 page. We are really looking forward to all the amazing, exciting learning we have planned for the year ahead. Don’t forget you can also keep in contact through our Class Dojo page (please ask if you haven’t received your invite).
Units of work
Year Theme: Cycles of Life
During the Autumn term Year 1 will undertake a transition unit and become Sherrier Superhero Learners
This will support their transition into Year One and consolidate and build on their learning from EYFS

Dinosaur Island
What does evidence from the past tell us about the history of our planet?
Our first unit looks at the dinosaurs and focuses on History, Science and Geography.
Our key books for this unit are;
Vlad and The Great Fire of London (A flea in History) -Kate Cunnigham
The Five of Us - Quentin Blake
Meet The Twitches -by Hayley Scott
The Ugly Five - Julia Donaldson
The Girl and the Dinosaur Girl by Hollie Rose Hughes
Some fairy tales with a twist!
How do we remember those that came before us?
In this unit our focus is the Great Fire of London. We take a journey through the city of London as well as study the history and the people that lived there.
Our key books for this unit are;
Paddington’s Guide to London by Michael Bond
Paddington at the Palace by Michael Bond

Is Nature Important?
In our third unit we study the animals around us. We look at different leaves and tree and look at how nature plays a role in our lives. This unit focuses on ecology and science. It also gives us an opportunity to think about our own wellbeing.
Our key books for this unit are;
The Lorax- Dr Suess
Run Wild by Gill LewisT
The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton
Year 1 Gallery