Mrs Boakes, Mr Sargisson, Mrs Moore, Mrs Aneva welcome you to our Year 3 webpage! Keep checking in for up to date information about what we have been learning in Year 3, as well as our flash forwards into future learning.
We are really looking forward to all the amazing, exciting learning we have planned for the year ahead. ​Don’t forget you can also keep in contact through our Class Dojo page (please ask if you haven’t received your invite).
What innovations did early human make to survive?
This unit looks at prehistoric times travelling through the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.
Our class novels are;
The Great Food Bank Heist
The Wild Way Home
Stoneage Boy
The Boy with the Bronze Axe
Wolf Brother

Roman Britain
In this lesson, we will learn about how the Roman Empire became so powerful. We will begin by looking at what an empire is and then look at how the Roman Empire grew across the world.
Are human beings in danger of innovating themselves into extinction: Can we innovate ourselves out of it?
This science unit looks at the impact of innovations and modern technology on our planet.
Our key books include;
Leaf by Sandra Dykeman
The Journey Home by Frann Preston- Gannon
The Last Bear by Jess Butterworth
Wolves by Catherine Barr
On the Origin of Species by Sabina Radeva; The Bee Book by Charlotte Milner