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Mrs Brown, Miss Banks, Mr Cooper and Miss Truman would like to welcome you to our Year 6 webpage! Keep checking in for up to date information about what we have been learning in Year 6, as well as our flash forwards into future learning.


We are really looking forward to all the amazing, exciting learning we have planned for the year ahead. â€‹Don’t forget you can also keep in contact through our Class Dojo page (please ask if you haven’t received your invite.


Click the button below to find out more about Year 6!


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Units of work


Autumn term : Can business be a force for good?


This Geography unit focuses on trade and business around the world. We will also learn about The Maya and make comparisons between their Creation Story and the Christian Creation Story. We will then combine our knowledge across a number of subjects to create a sustainable holiday. Our Key Text is Darwins' Dragons by Lyndsay Galvin.

Spring term: Did WW2 impact all children equally?


During this unit we looked at the impact World War II had on children in particular. We will take on the role of a parents sending their child out of Prague as part of the Kindertransport. Then we will move on to be Billeting fficers attempting to home evacuated children across the UK. Finally, we will become Air Raid Wardens planning the different way we can keep the population safe during WW2. Our key books are;

My Secret War Diary by Marcia Williams

After the War by Tom Palmer

Leon Leyson Memoir- Kindertransport

Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll

Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian

Children in the Second World War, Memories from the Home Front Collection by Amanda Herbert Davies

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How Do Rights and Responsibilities Shape a Society? 


This term the children learn about life in Ancient Greece. They will compare the city-states of Athens and Sparta: particularly focusing on the Battle of Thermopylae. Within our Mantle of the Expert, we will become filmmakers creating a video for an exhibition about the discovery of a young Spartan soldier.

Our key text is: Who Let The Gods Out by Maz Evans.



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